금융수단 및 거래 제품은 높은 위험을 초래할 수 있으며, 그 가치는 예측할 수 없는 시장 변동으로 인해 손실이 초기 투자금을 뛰어넘을 수 있습니다. 금융수단 또는 상품의 지난 수치들은 향후의 결과를 대표하지 않습니다. 따라서 어떠한 거래를 하시기 전에 해당 금융수단 또는 제품의 거래 위험성에 대해 충분히 인지하시고 저희 웹사이트에 기재된고객 협의위험 공시 안내를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.

Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for October 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, recorded USD29.94 billion billion of total trading volume in October 2021.

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for September 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reports a trading volume for September 2021 of USD29.38 billion.

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for August 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reports a trading volume statistic of US$26.82 billion for August 2021.

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Trading Volume Report
Corporate Social Responsibility
Doo Prime’s Parent Company, Doo Group, Offers Scholarship Opportunities At King’s College London

Doo Prime’s Parent Company, Doo Group has collaborated with King’s College London to offer a scholarship that will address and relieve students’ hardships as they pursue a rounded educational experience.

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Corporate Social Responsibility
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for July 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reports a trading volume statistic of US$27.48 billion for July 2021.

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for June 2021

Doo Prime, reported a new trading volume statistic for June 2021. The total volume traded for the period closed at US$31.91 billion.

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for May 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reported a spike in May 2021 trading volume.

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime Reports Record Trading Volumes in April 2021

Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reported a significant rise in the monthly trading volume for April 2021. The figure came in at US$23.08 billion, which is a 33.16% increase from the previous month’s US$17.33 billion. April’s trading volume has passed all previous records in 2021, showcasing itself as the highest traded month with […]

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for March 2021

Doo Prime Reports Record Trading Volumes in March 2021 Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, reported March’s monthly trading volume at US$17.33 billion. The trading volume decreased slightly by 5.38% compared to the reported February 2021 trading volume. However, Doo Prime had a firm start, with a total trade of US$49.39 billion in the […]

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Trading Volume Report
Trading Volume Report
Doo Prime’s Monthly Trading Volume Statistics for February 2021

Doo Prime Reports Record Trading Volumes in February 2021     Doo Prime, a leading global online broker, is taking off significantly, with monthly trading volume growing to US$18.32 billion in February 2021.     It soared by more than 33% compared to the reported January 2021 trading volume, and registered an average daily volume (ADV) of US$0.65 billion.    The […]

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Trading Volume Report
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